Thursday, September 25, 2008

Assignment 2: Photograms - Flickering Recollection

My theme for both my photograms was memory. This specific one was supposed to show more faded memories. I used a transparency of a digital picture to print an inverse image in the darkroom. I also used a transparency to add words (which I later went over with, again, using a calligraphy pen). The bottom left corner has a worn look, achieved through the chemigram process with rubber cement. Finally I added some red ink and stome solvent transfers (contac paper) of magazine articles. It turned out slightly more morbid than I had hoped, but I still feel that my theme of memory holds up!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Assignment 1: Compositon - Coffee Beans

This is my second picture from Assignment 1 and is a close up of the inside of one of the coffee jars. I thought by putting the rim of the jar off-center and focusing on the beans on the left third the photograph would draw more attention.

Assignment 1: Composition - Coffee Jars

My first picture from Assignment 1 on Composition. Taken at Stone Creek, I wanted to get a picture that used an interesting depth of field and an unusual camera angle.